
31 October 2019
Written By hncp

Meals on Wheels Kitchen of Opportunities

The HNCC is pleased to announce a meals on wheels delivery service using an electric vehicle which is hoped to start early in 2020. This new service has been made possible thanks to generous donations by partners, with £18,000 already pledged by Morrisons.

Costing only 2p per mile to run the Nissan e-NV200 is estimated to save £7,500 a year over the running cost of a typical equivalent diesel vehicle, can cover 106 miles on a single charge and be fully charged in just 30 minutes.

The HNCC already provides community lunches 5 days a week in different venues, but there is additional demand from those who are housebound and among the most vulnerable in society. An electric delivery vehicle will provide a lifeline, providing people with healthy, nutritious meals.

Culturally specific meal options are available and each meal features healthy portions including and entree, vegetable, bread or grain, fruit or dessert and a beverage. All meals are prepared fresh and without preservatives. Low-sugar, low-sodium and vegetarian options are available.

Interested in knowing more or benefitting from the service? Call 07918 633821 or email You can also download an information sheet.

13 October 2019
Written By hncp

Anita Broome

We regret to announce that Anita Broome a longstanding respected member of the local community who served HNCC unstintingly in so many ways, including as a trustee, has recently passed away. Anita had been active in the community over the last thirty-plus years serving on many committees including Safer Neighbourhood, Highgate Newtown Community Partnership, 3 Point Park and The Secret Garden. Reception of the body into church Wednesday 16th October at 7.00pm and the funeral will be held at at11:30am on 17 October, both at St Anne’s Church Highgate West Hill. All Welcome.  No flowers or donations please.

31 August 2019
Written By hncp

New Trustee for HNCC

We are delighted to welcome David to the HNCC community in his new role as one of our Trustees.

David is the Minister at the Pond Square Chapel (Highgate United Reformed Church). The Church is a key partner of the HNCC, hosting ‘Movers & Shakers’ for infants and carers on Wednesday mornings, and Thursday Lunch Club for people of all ages (See our full timetable for all our activities). David is also developing the new Hub 4 All project in partnership with the HNCC which has attracted national lottery funding.

With a strong sense of the importance of a truly caring community, David will bring experience and enthusiasm to the work of the HNCC, building on our local partnership approach, while helping to secure our future.

Find out more about David and our other Trustees.

21 August 2019
Written By hncp

Woodwork at Kentish Town City Farm

Kentish Town City Farm is no stranger to public sector cuts. Threatened with closure, it has been fortunate to find new funding sources and remains a vibrant and much loved community resource.

The Highgate Newtown Community Centre outreach program is currently working with the Kentish Town City Farm to offer free woodwork sessions in a summer program for children.

One of the activities is learning how to use a jigsaw to cut out farmyard animal shapes in wood which are then decorated.

Supporting community projects like those at Kentish Town City Farm is a vital part of building strong and lasting partnerships. Working together provides the resources and activities our local community needs to grow and flourish.

6 August 2019
Written By hncp

A Go-Kart race to woodworking success!

Ricky and Jessica at the HNCC woodworking centre have been teaching kids new skills as they learn how to make Go Karts.

Making something fun from scratch like a Go Kart might seem hugely daunting at first, but with guidance and the right materials and tools, the participants impressed themselves with what they were able to build.

The HNCC provides a caring environment where young people can bond with each-other, breaking down barriers through direct, rather than screen-based interaction. The program provides a valuable model which could be replicated nationwide, building the confidence of young people as they gain both practical and social skills.

2 August 2019
Written By hncp

Support for community lunch costs

Huge thanks to Lady Gould’s Charity who have provided a new grant of £17,000 towards community lunch staffing costs. This leaves a shortfall of  around 25% to achieve full funding. In the current economic climate fundraising is a constant challenge. We are proud of our continued success and grateful to all our funders for their support, which enables us to continue to provide a rich variety of services so vital to our community.

3 July 2019
Written By hncp

Tea for many at St Anne’s

The new Wednesday tea sessions at St Anne’s between between 1pm and 4pm have got off to a good start with 24 people coming in for a cuppa on the launch day. Apart from the tea, participants enjoyed listening to live music and having a chat. A tea is just £3 and includes home made cakes and a sandwich selection including cucumber, cheese and salmon. Do come along and bring a friend. We will be delighted to welcome you.

22 June 2019
Written By hncp

Cook it Up Award for St Anne’s

We are delighted to announce that in partnership with St Anne’s Church Highgate there has been another successful bid for funding, this time resulting in an award of £9,600 from the National Lottery Community Fund ‘Awards for All’. This money is to support the ‘Cook it Up’ community youth program at St Anne’s.

Photo of St Anne’s by dun.can on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

17 June 2019
Written By hncp

National Lottery grant success

We are delighted to announce another successful application for grant funding by one of our partners; the Highgate United Reformed Church on Pond Square.  The National Lottery Community Fund has awarded £9,600 towards the ‘Hub 4 All’ project which the HNCC run in partnership with the URC at the Pond Square Chapel.

The HNCC played a significant role in helping our partners to win this funding. Working together with partners for mutual benefit in the community maximises opportunity for all.


Photo by Ian Henghes CC BY-SA 4.0

12 June 2019
Written By hncp

Funding boost for Saturday lunch club.

We are delighted to announce that a substantial grant of £4,500 has been received from Allchurches Trust towards a Saturday Lunch Club to run at St Anne’s Church which we hope to be able to announce in the near future.

Allchurches Trust are one of the UK’s largest grant-making charities. As well as funding projects related to church activities, the Trust has a focus on projects that tackle homelessness, poverty and social exclusion. Support from major funders flows from their recognition of the positive social impact of the HNCC’s work. We are thankful to the Allchurches Trust for joining our ever-growing community of funders and helping us to extend the reach of our activities.