
28 April 2020
Written By hncp

You make all the difference!

Your support is making all the difference to our ability to help people most affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of the things your support has enabled us to achieve in the last 7 weeks:

  • Supporting 400+ people with food through over 150 food parcels.
  • Picking up and delivering 50+ prescriptions.
  • Delivering multiple hot meals every week to nearly 40 homes.
  • Supporting Brookfield School by delivering hot meals to children on free school meals.
  • Helping run errands and deliver shopping to those self-isolating or in need of community support.

A massive Thank You to everyone who is helping us. Find out how you can help too.

27 April 2020
Written By hncp

HNCC Coronavirus response

A huge thank you to all those who have donated to our Coronavirus response centre over the last few weeks, it makes a really big difference to the support we can provide our community.  We have already helped 400+ people with with over 150 food parcels distributed.  Our meals on wheels service is getting busier and the feedback we are getting is that this is a very important service to the people who are receiving our meals.  We have also picked up over 50 prescriptions and delivered them to the door, and have done shopping and helped with other errands.  Our volunteers are also supporting Brookfield School by delivering hot meals to children on free school meals.

See how you can support our Coronavirus response

17 April 2020
Written By hncp

Demolition plan

Demolition work is scheduled to begin on the Highgate Newtown Community Centre site in Bertram Street. Inevitably there will be some disruption while works are ongoing. We apologise to neighbours for any inconvenience, and would assure everyone that every effort will be taken to ensure the smooth and timely progress of works to minimise disturbance.

Please see the demolition management plan and letter to residents for more information.

1 April 2020
Written By hncp

Your support

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to setting up our Covid-19 community response centre.

We have had loads of volunteers wanting to help our  community by donating their time, food and money to the cause.  Check back for updates!

We have already received donations of £2,000! A big thank you to you all! The money has been used to help buy food, toiletries and baby items for the foodbank, as well as a large fridge for fresh milk and chilled food.  We want to ensure our food parcels contain fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as non – perishables food items. If you or anyone you know is experiencing hardship as a consequence of COVID- 19 and could do with a little help in the form of a food parcel – please call our HNCC team on : 

07483 145587

07748 091604

07552 218520 or

07551 798767

11 March 2020
Written By hncp

Tea at School

Channing School in partnership with the HNCC are offering a free community tea once a month on a Wednesday. The first such tea is the 22nd April between 4:15pm and 5:30pm at Channing School dining room, The Bank, Highgate, N6 5HF

Download the flier

19 January 2020
Written By hncp

New Year – New Grants

  • Our new Wellness Café on the Ingestre Estate has been awarded £10,000 from Ageing Better, for 10 coach trips in 2020, plus community activities
  • All-churches Trust have awarded a grant of £6,900 to support the new woodwork building which is opening soon
  • In partnership with Castle Haven Community Association and Kentish Town Community centre, we have been awarded £25,000 from Camden Council on top of funds already promised for our new street youth worker, who is starting in Feb. 2020
  • British Beekeepers Association have given £500 for to new hives to add to our growing bee project run from ST Anne’s Highgate
25 November 2019
Written By hncp

Bishop of Edmonton is our new religious patron

We are delighted to announce that The Right Reverend the Bishop of Edmonton; Robert Wickham, has accepted our invitation to become a patron of the HNCC, writing as follows:

“I am aware of the important work that you undertake for the flourishing of our various communities across the Highgate area, and I rejoice that this exhibits significant partnership between the Community Centre and the local Anglican churches. I also delight in the way that these projects clearly demonstrate a desire to realise many of the ideals as espoused within the Camden Plan 2025.”

15 November 2019
Written By hncp

HNCC Busy Bees

Since the HNCC had to leave the Bertram Street site for redevelopment, the bees had to move too. We have moved them to a lovely secure space in St Anne’s Church. They are thriving in their new space and produced a small amount of honey this year. 
We will be installing another couple of hives next spring. We are also hoping to set up another little apiary within our community and produce more of our very own HNCC honey.
Here are a few amazing facts about the honey bee……
1. The Queen Bee is the mother to all the bees in her hive. A Queen only mates once in her lifetime with as many male bees called drones as possible. The Queen can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day, that’s roughly one egg every 43 seconds and she is the only bee in the hive that lays eggs, and can live up to 5 years.

2. There are up to 80,000 worker bees in a colony in the summer, this drops to 5,000 over winter. The life cycle of a summer worker bee is 5-6 weeks while a winter bees life cycle is 4-6 months.

3. A worker bee will visit 1,500 flowers for one load of pollen that is collected as their main food source, they will do this 5-7 times a day. They carry the pollen on their hind legs in a pollen basket. On its return to the hive the bee will do what is called a waggle dance telling all the other bees exactly where the food source is.
4. Honey bees must gather nectar from 2 million flowers to make 1 pound or 453 grams of honey. One honey bee will collect 1/8 of a teaspoon of honey in their lifetime. They can fly for up to 5 mile from their hive and at 15mph on collection trips.

5.  Globally there are more honey bees than any type of bee and pollinating insects, so it is the worlds most important pollinator of food crops. It is estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees. 

6. Honey is the only food source produced by an insect that humans eat. Honey contains all the substances needed to sustain life . Including enzymes, water, minerals and vitamins. It also contains ‘pinocembrin’ that is an antioxidant associated with improved brain function.

6. And lastly a quote from Albert Einstein ” If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live”. 
11 November 2019
Written By hncp

Christmas Nativity

Please join us for the Christmas Nativity at St Mary’s Brookfield church, Dartmouth Park Road NW5 On Wednesday 18th December at 10.30am

  • Christmas Nativity with Christmas carols
  • Christmas card making
  • Christingle activity
  • Food and Drink
  • Christmas music and a visit from Santa 

Please contact Nadine on 07415200614 to book a space.

Spaces are going fast.

We look forward to seeing you.

6 November 2019
Written By hncp

Voices not Violence

Following the increase in youth violence in our local area Highgate New Town Community has partnered with Kentish Town Community Centre and Castlehaven Community Centre to deliver an innovative new project called ‘Voices not Violence’ .

In Highgate the project will be delivered from January 2020 and will run though to April 2021. Over a 10 week blocks, youth workers from Kentish Town Youth Project will travel up to Highgate to work with the young people in the local area. The project is part social action, part skills development, allowing the young people to increase their confidence and self esteem whilst recording their ideas onto film.

Jamie Weight coordinator of the project said: “We ran a pilot of this project in 2019. The young people really liked it. We have a film for the project and 30 young people trained up in first aid and self defence. Not bad for a budget of £6K!”

This phase of the  project is part funded by Young Camden Foundation and Camden Council through the Community Investment Levy. For more details contact